استغفر الله

استغفر الله من ذنبي ومن زللي
ما زلت والله من ذنبي على وجلي
اسـتغفر الله من نفس تنازعني
كسب الذنوب وترك صالح العمل

I seek Allah's forgiveness for my sins and my imperfections
By Allah, I still feel the tremor of my sins
I seek Allah's forgiveness from a self that fights me
to commit sins and stop doing good deeds.

استغفر الله من يوم اضيعه
وينقضي وهو من عمري ومن اجلي
استغفر الله من يوم سهوت به
عن الصلاة فلم انهض من الكسل

I seek Allah's forgiveness from the days that I wasted
And that passed away, and is from my life and for me
I seek forgiveness from a day that I missed
Salah (prayers), and did not get up because of laziness

استغفر الله مما قد اتيت به
مرائيا وبما قد كان في عجل
استغفر الله من ظن ظننت به
غير الحقيقة في قصد وفي امل

I seek Allah's forgiveness for what I have brought with me
My hypocritical piety and the deeds done in a hurry
I seek Allah's forgiveness from the suspicions I raised
The false suspicions, on purpose and out of my desire

استغفرالله مما كنت اعمله
من المعاصي في ايامي الاولي
استغفر الله من نفس تراودني
على المعاصي وشيطان يوسوس لي

I seek Allah's forgiveness for what I used to do
From all the disobedience in my early days
I seek Allah's forgiveness from the self that incites me
To sin, and shaitaan that whispers in my heart

استغفر الله من سوء انفعالي ومن
خبث الحديث ومما كان من خلل
استغفر الله من يوم اخذت به
حق البرية في ظلم وفي حيل

I seek Allah's forgiveness for sins I committed out of my emotions
And ills of my speech and from my other defects
I seek Allah's forgiveness for the days I snatched
Rights of his creation, by oppression and by tricks

استغفر الله من رجل مشيت بها
الى المعاصي ومن ذنبي ومن عللي
استغفر الله من كبر ومن عُجب
ومن رياء بقول كان او عمل

I seek Allah's forgiveness for the legs I walked with
Towards disobedience, and from my sins and defects
I seek Allah's forgiveness from pride and arrogance
And show-off, be it in speech or action

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